[86] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2024. Do native English listeners benefit from agreement in quiet and in noise? Poster at Hearing4all Symposium, Hannover, Germany, November 7-8.
[85] Schlechtweg, Marcel, Klußmann, Leah & Kaucke, Stephanie. 2024. Die Perzeption englischer Wortbetonung in ungünstigen Hörbedingungen (The perception of English word stress in adverse listening conditions). Paper at the P&P 20, Halle, Germany, October 1-2.
[84] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2024. How listeners benefit from morpho-syntactic agreement in English. Paper at the 10th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), Alicante, Spain, September 26-28.
[83] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2024. Perception of spoken language in noise: The role of paradigmatic and syntagmatic information. Poster at the AMLaP 2024, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, September 5-7.
[82] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2024. Do native English listeners benefit from agreement in quiet and in noise? Poster at the 21st International Morphology Meeting (IMM), Vienna, Austria, August 28-30.
[81] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2024. Perception of spoken language in noise: The role of paradigmatic and syntagmatic information. Talk at From Hearing to Understanding: An interdisciplinary workshop on the interaction of auditory and language processes, Oldenburg, Germany, May 31-June 1.
[80] Schlechtweg, Marcel, Peters, Jörg & Frank, Marina. 2024. L1 variation and L2 acquisition: L1 German /eː/-/ɛː/ overlap and its effect on the acquisition of L2 English /ɛ/-/æ/. Poster at the 5th International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 processing in adults and children (ISBPAC), Swansea, United Kingdom, May 23-24.
[79] Schlechtweg, Marcel, Gibson, Mark, Ayala, Judit, Wang, Xianhui & Xu, Li. 2024. Vowel recognition in noise: A comparison of children with cochlear implants and their peers with typical hearing. Talk at the 17th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Technologies, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 21-24.
[78] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2023. Does morphosyntactic agreement in English help native and non-native listeners in noise? Poster at Hearing4All Symposium, Oldenburg, Germany, November 2-3.
[77] Kaucke, Stephanie & Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2023. Erwerb eines neuen Vokalkontrasts mit Hilfe von Vokalharmonie [Acquisition of a new vowel contrast by means of vowel harmony]. Poster at 19. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P), Bern, Switzerland, October 6-7.
[76] Gibson, Mark, González Machorro, Monica & Schlechtweg, Marcel. A machine learning model to assess the integration of visual and auditory cues during speech perception in noise. Talk at Forum Acusticum, Torino, Italy, September 11-15.
[75] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2023. Morpho-syntactic agreement in English and the perception of spoken language in noise. Poster at Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP), San Sebastian, Spain, August 31-September 2.
[74] Kaucke, Stephanie & Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2023. Exploiting a cognitive learning bias for vowel harmony to acquire a non-native vowel contrast. Talk at the 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, August 7-11.
[73] Gibson, Mark, Schlechtweg, Marcel, Ayala, Judit, DiCaccio, Andrea, Wang, Xianhui & Xu, Li. 2023. Energetic and informational masking effects on Spanish vowel discrimination. Poster at 20th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Prague, Czech Republic, August 7-11.
[72] Schlechtweg, Marcel, Gibson, Mark, Ayala Alcalde, Judit, Wang, Xianhui & Xu, Li. 2023. Vowel perception in noise: A comparison of children with cochlear implants and their peers with typical hearing. Talk at the The International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association (ICPLA), Salzburg, Austria, July 4-7.
[71] Gibson, Mark, González, Monica & Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2023. A random forest analysis to explain visual and audio integration of information when perceiving speech. Poster at the The International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association (ICPLA), Salzburg, Austria, July 4-7.
[70] Grandon, Bénédicte, Schlechtweg, Marcel & Ruigendijk, Esther. 2023. Plural processing in German-speaking children with a cochlear implant: An eye-tracking study. Poster at the The International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association (ICPLA), Salzburg, Austria, July 4-7.
[69] Schlechtweg, Marcel, Peters, Jörg & Frank, Marina. Socio-phonetic variation in the L1 and its possible effect on the L2: Does the degree of overlap between German /eː/ and /ɛː/ (L1) affect the perception and production of /ɛ/ and /æ/ in English (L2)?. Paper at the 9th International Conference on Experimental Phonetics, Vigo, Spain, June 21-23.
[68] Gibson, Mark, González, Mónica & Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2023. Using random forest models to predict auditory and visual integration for speech perception in two noise conditions. Poster at 16th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Vitoria Gasteiz, Spain, May 31-June 2.
[67] Schlechtweg, Marcel, Gibson, Mark, Ayala, Judit, Wang, Xianhui & Xu, Li. 2023. Spanish vowel perception in noise: A comparison of children with cochlear implants and children with typical hearing. Poster at 16th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Vitoria Gasteiz, Spain, May 31-June 2.
[66] Schlechtweg, Marcel, De Brabanter, Philippe & Härtl, Holden. The acoustics of English metalinguistic quotation. Talk at the Manchester Forum in Linguistics, Manchester, United Kingdom, April 20-21.
[65] Kaucke, Stephanie & Schlechtweg, Marcel. Learning a non-native vowel contrast with vowel harmony in clear speech and in noise. Poster presentation at 20th Old World Conference in Phonology, Tours, France, January
[64] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Gibson, Mark A. The perception of Spanish vowels in adverse listening conditions: An investigation children with typical hearing, and children wit hearing impairment. Poster at Hearing4all Symposium, Hannover, Germany, November 3-4.
[63] Kaucke, Stephanie & Marcel Schlechtweg. Perception of non-native vowel contrasts in adverse listening conditions. Poster presentation at Hearing4all Symposium, Hannover, Germany, November 3-4.
[62] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Mark A. Gibson. Accessing phonological categories in adverse listening conditions: Data from children with typical hearing and children with hearing impairment. Poster at the International Conference on the Mental Lexicon 2022, Niagara on the Lake, Ont., Canada, October 11-14.
[61] Schlechtweg, Marcel, Jörg Peters & Marina Frank. Der Einfluss der Variation der Vorderzungenvokale im Deutschen auf die Produktion und Perzeption von /ɛ/ und /æ/ im Englischen [The influence of the variation of German front vowels on the production and perception of /ɛ/ and /æ/ in English]. Talk at the workshop Fortgeschrittener Spracherwerb [Advanced Language Acquisition], Oldenburg, Germany, October 10-11.
[60] Fuhrhop, Nanna, Reinken, Niklas, Romstadt, Jonas & Schlechtweg, Marcel. Modalisierende Anführungszeichen [Modalizing quotation marks]. Poster at the workshop Fortgeschrittener Spracherwerb [Advanced Language Acquisition], Oldenburg, Germany, October 10-11.
[59] Kaucke, Stephanie & Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2022. Perzeptuelle Kategorisierung von /y/ und /ø/ durch englische Muttersprachler in Stille und in Lärm. Talk at the 18. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P), Bielefeld, Germany, October 6-7.
[58] Grandon, Bénédicte, Schlechtweg, Marcel & Ruigendijk, Esther. Does the segmental salience of noun plural marking influence its acquisition? An eye-tracking study of nominal plural in German-speaking children and adults. Talk at the Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA) conference, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, September 22-24.
[57] Gibson, Mark, Schlechtweg, Marcel, Blecua Falgueras, Beatriz & Alcalde, Judit Ayala. 2022. Language-specific interactions of vowel discrimination in noise. Talk and poster at Interspeech 2022, Incheon, South Korea, September 18-22. (online)
[56] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Gibson, Mark A. 2022. The perception of vowels in adverse listening conditions: An analysis of children with typical hearing and children with hearing impairment. Poster at Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP), York, United Kingdom, September 7-9. (online)
[55] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Gibson, Mark A. 2022. The perception of Spanish vowels in adverse listening conditions: An investigation children with typical hearing, and children wit hearing impairment. Poster at KogWis 2022, Freiburg, Germany, September 5-7.
[54] Schlechtweg, Marcel, Grandon, Bénédicte & Ruigendijk, Esther. 2022. The acquisition of the German nominal plural system: A comparison of the productions of children with typical hearing and children with cochlear implants. Talk at the 20th International Morphology Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, September 1-4.
[53] Kaucke, Stephanie & Marcel Schlechtweg. Perception of non-native vowel contrasts in clear speech and in noise. Poster presentation at the The 31st Conference of the European Second Language Association, Fribourg, Switzerland, August 24-27.
[52] Kaucke, Stephanie & Schlechtweg, Marcel. English speakers' perception of German vowel contrasts in adverse listening conditions. Poster presentation at the 4th International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 processing in adults and children (ISBPAC), Tromsø, Norway, August 4-5.
[51] Schlechtweg, Marcel. Atypical hearing and children's acquisition of the schwa vowel. Talk at the workshop Language acquisition and language development in typical and atypical populations at the 31st Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Palma, Spain, June 1-3.
[50] Grandon, Bénédicte, Marcel Schlechtweg & Esther Ruigendijk. Acquisition of plural nominal marking in children with and without cochlear implants: An eye-tracking study, Talk at the Hearing and Linguistics conference, Oldenburg, Germany, May 13-14.
[49] Kaucke, Stephanie & Marcel Schlechtweg. English speakers' perception of German vowel contrasts in adverse listening conditions. Talk at the Hearing and Linguistics conference, Oldenburg, Germany, May 13-14.
[48] Schlechtweg, Marcel. Hearing impairment and the acquisition of the German schwa. Talk at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 6-8. (online)
[47] Schlechtweg, Marcel. The acquisition of the schwa vowel in children with a cochlear implant. Talk at the Manchester Forum in Linguistics, Manchester, United Kingdom, April 28-29. (online)
[46] Kaucke, Stephanie & Marcel Schlechtweg. Perception of non-native vowel contrasts in adverse listening conditions. Poster presentation at the New Sounds 2022 - 10th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech, Barcelona, Spain, April 20-22.
[45] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Nanna Fuhrhop. Quotes and pure quotation: Evidence from a reading-time study. Talk at the Workshop Interpunktion verpflichtet at the 44th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society, Tübingen, Germany, February 23-25. (online)
[44] Schlechtweg, Marcel. Acoustic (non-) variation in the English s. Invited talk, Pamplona, Spain, February 16.
[43] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Greville G. Corbett. Morpho-syntactic agreement and the suffix duration of English regular plural nouns. Talk at the Morphology in production and perception: Phonetics, phonology and spelling of complex words conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, February 7-9. (online)
[42] Schlechtweg, Marcel. The schwa in the speech of German children using cochlear implants. Poster at the Hearing4All Symposium 2021, Oldenburg, Germany, November 4-5. (online)
[41] Kaucke, Stephanie & Schlechtweg, Marcel. Perception of non-native vowel contrasts in adverse listening conditions. Poster at the Hearing4All Symposium 2021, Oldenburg, Germany, November 4-5. (online)
[40] Grandon, Bénédicte & Schlechtweg, Marcel & Ruigendijk, Esther. Comprehension of plural marking in children with cochlear implants: Methods and first results. Poster at the Hearing4All Symposium 2021, Oldenburg, Germany, November 4-5.
[39] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Greville G. Corbett. When the s remains / does not remain an s: Further explorations in the acoustics of the English plural suffix. Talk at the International Symposium of Morphology 2021, Toulouse, France, September 22-24. (online)
[38] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Holden Härtl. The processing of scare quotes in English. Talk at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Athens, Greece, August 30 - September 3 (online).
[37] Schlechtweg, Marcel. Hearing and memorizing novel compounds and phrases. Talk at the 5th Variation and Language Processing Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-27. (online)
[36] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Corbett, Greville G. Word-final [z] in English pluralia-tantum and regular-plural nouns: A comparison of duration. Talk at the 8th International Conference on Experimental Phonetics, Girona, Spain, June 28-30.
[35] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2021. "Hearing" quotes. Talk at the Approaches to Phonetics and Phonology (APAP) conference, Lublin, Poland, June 25-26. (online)
[34] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Nanna Fuhrhop. The role of quotes in the processing of English pure quotation. Talk at the 15th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics 2021, Madrid, Spain, June 22-25. (online)
[33] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Greville G. Corbett. 2021. Agreement and its acoustic reflexes in English. Talk at the Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE) conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 21-23. (online)
[32] Schlechtweg, Marcel, Holden Härtl & Philippe de Brabanter. The acoustic profile of pure quotation. Talk at the conference Interfaces of Phonetics, Oldenburg, Germany, May 18-19. (online)
[31] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Greville G. Corbett. Is morphosyntactic agreement encoded in acoustic detail? Talk at the conference Interfaces of Phonetics, Oldenburg, Germany, May 18-19. (online)
[30] Schlechtweg, Marcel. Do we hear quotation marks? Talk at the Manchester Forum in Linguistics (mFiL), Manchester, United Kingdom, April 28-29. (online)
[29] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Corbett, Greville G. Plural agreement in English: Does it affect the duration of the nominal s suffix? Poster at the 20th Meeting of the Texas Linguistic Society (TLS), Austin, TX, USA, March 5-6. (online)
[28] Schlechtweg, Marcel. English adjective-noun combinations in the lexicon: An investigation of their prominence pattern. Poster at Fonologi i Norden (FiNo) Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, February 26-27. (online)
[27] Schlechtweg, Marcel. Acoustic detail at the hearing-speaking interface. Talk at the Hearing4all Winter Plenary 2021, Oldenburg, Germany, January 29. (online)
[26] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Corbett, Greville G. Acoustic detail in English pluralia-tantum and regular-plural nouns. Poster presentation at the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Conference (AMLaP), Potsdam, Germany, September 3-5. (online)
[25] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Heinrichs, Melina. Acoustic nuances in phonologically identical words: On the interface between phonetics and morpho-syntax. Poster presentation at the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Conference (AMLaP), Potsdam, Germany, September 3-5. (online)
[24] Schlechtweg, Marcel and Härtl, Holden. The acoustics of name-informing quotation. Talk at the workshop Prosody in Speech Signal, Perception and Gestures at the 43rd Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW) Conference, Berlin, Germany, March 31. (online)
[23] Schlechtweg, Marcel and Corbett, Greville G. The acoustics of word-final [z] in English: A comparison of pluralia-tantum and regular-plural nouns. Talk at the 19th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, Austria, February 6-8.
[22] Wegner, Dennis & Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2019. The role of temporal cues in verb cluster reordering: Evidence from processing times in optionality-contexts. Talk at the workshop Processing Tense - Linguistic Theory Meets Empirical Evidence, Tübingen, Germany, November 14-15.
[21] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2019. Quotes and their function: An empirical analysis. Talk at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leipzig, Germany, August 21-24.
[20] Heinrichs, Melina & Schlechtweg, Marcel & Linnenkohl, Marcel. 2019. Acoustic differences between supposedly identical singular-plural nouns in German. Talk at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leipzig, Germany, August 21-24.
[19] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2019. Quotation marks are expressed in spoken language. Poster to be presented at the conference Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE), Lecce, Italy, June 17-19.
[18] Heinrichs, Melina & Schlechtweg, Marcel & Linnenkohl, Marcel. 2019. Acoustic differences between supposedly identical singular-plural nouns in German. Poster to be presented at the conference Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE), Lecce, Italy, June 17-19.
[17] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2019. sogenannte Kutte versus sogenannte „Kutte“: Zur Realisierung von Anführungszeichen in der gesprochenen Sprache. Talk to be given at the Institute of the German Language, Mannheim, Germany, March 26.
[16] Wegner, Dennis & Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2018. The (early) availability of future and perfect information in verbal clusters: Implications for the compositional semantics of composite tenses. Talk at the Event Semantics Workshop 2018, Heidelberg, Germany, November 9-10.
[15] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2018. Compounds and phrases from a cognitive angle: Are they learned differently? Talk at the 11th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Edmonton, Canada, September 25-28.
[14] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2018. Is quotation articulated? Quotational constructions and their acoustic properties. Poster presentation at the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) conference, Berlin, Germany, September 6-8.
[13] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2018. The learnability of complex constructions from a cross-linguistic perspective: An introduction. Talk at the workshop The learnability of complex constructions from a cross-linguistic
perspective at the 18th International Morphology Meeting (IMM),
Budapest, Hungary, May 10-13.
[12] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2018. Do we pronounce quotation marks? A comparison of referring and name-mentioning expressions. Talk at the workshop The relation between prosodic and referential structure at the 40th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Stuttgart, Germany, March 7-9.
[11] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2017. The interplay of semantics and phonetics: A closer look at English adjective-noun minimal pairs. Talk at the 7th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), Vigo, Spain, September 28-30.
[10] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2017. Semantic non-compositionality and its phonetic realization. Poster presentation at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), Zurich, Switzerland, September 10-13.
[9] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2017. Acoustic characteristics of novel English adjective-noun constructions. Poster presentation at the conference Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2017 (PaPE 2017), Cologne, Germany, June 12-14.
[8] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2016. Structural, functional and cognitive aspects of adjective-noun combinations. Talk at the workshop Expanding the Lexicon / Extensions du lexique / Erweiterungen des Lexikons, Trier, Germany, November 17-18.
[7] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2016. Stress effects in the processing of English adjective-noun combinations. Talk at the conference The Phonology of Contemporary English (PAC), Aix-en-Provence, France, September 29 - October 1.
[6] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2016. The memorization of complex constructions from a cross-linguistic perspective. Talk at the 17th International Morphology Meeting (IMM17), Vienna, Austria, February 18-21.
[5] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2015. Compound versus phrase: Evidence from a learning study. Talk at the 10th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM10), Haifa, Israel, September 7-10.
[4] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2015. Is it word-formation? An experimental study on English, French and German. Talk at the Word-Formation Theories II/Typology and Universals in Word-Formation III Conference, Košice, Slovakia, June 26-28.
[3] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2015. The memorization of complex items - a cross-linguistic comparison. Poster presentation at the International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE) 8, Leipzig, Germany, May 27-29.
[2] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2015. Morphology versus syntax: Investigating the cognitive nature of complex items in different languages. Talk at the 16. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2015, Hannover, Germany, March 26-28.
[1] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2014. Cross-linguistic variation in the memorization of complex expressions. Poster presentation at the Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Language Learning and Processing Conference, Tübingen, Germany, July 29-30.