For most of my work, a preprint or the final article is available right below the respective contribution.
[1] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2018. Memorization and the compound-phrase distinction: An investigation of complex constructions in German, French and English (Studia Grammatica 82). Berlin: De Gruyter.
Edited volumes
[2] Schlechtweg, Marcel (ed.). 2024. Interfaces of Phonetics (Phonology and Phonetics 38). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
[1] Schlechtweg, Marcel (ed.). 2020. The learnability of complex constructions: A cross-linguistic perspective (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 345). Berlin: De Gruyter.
Special issue
[1] Härtl, Holden and Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2023. Expressions of quotation: Explorations on the boundary between use and mention. Special issue of Linguistics (Issue 61(2)).
Journal contributions
[16] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2024. Morphosyntactic agreement in English: Does it help the listener in noise? English Language and Linguistics. FirstView.
[15] Kaucke, Stephanie & Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2024. English speakers' perception of non-native vowel contrasts in adverse listening conditions: A discrimination study on the German front rounded vowels /y/ and /ø/. Language and Speech. OnlineFirst.
[14] Grandon, Bénédicte, Schlechtweg, Marcel & Ruigendijk, Esther. 2024. Processing of plural marking in nouns by German-speaking children with normal hearing and children with cochlear implants: An eye-tracking study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 67(3). 853-869.
[13] Grandon, Bénédicte, Schlechtweg, Marcel & Ruigendijk, Esther. 2024. Processing of noun plural marking in German-speaking children: An eye-tracking study. Journal of Child Language 51. 1450-1477.
[12] Schlechtweg, Marcel, Peters, Jörg and Frank, Marina. 2023. L1 variation and L2 acquisition: L1 German /eː/-/ɛː/ overlap and its effect on the acquisition of L2 English /ɛ/-/æ/. Frontiers in Psychology 14. 1-13.
[11] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2023. Quotation marks and the processing of irony in English: Evidence from a reading time study. Linguistics 61(2). 355-390.
[10] Härtl, Holden and Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2023. Quotation as an interface phenomenon. Linguistics 61(2). 275-284.
[9] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Corbett, Greville G. 2023. Is morphosyntactic agreement reflected in acoustic detail? The s duration of English regular plural nouns. English Language and Linguistics. 27(1). 67-92.
[8] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2022. Quotation marks in advanced language acquisition: A reading time experiment on English pure quotation. Linguistik Online 118(6). 99-114.
[7] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Heinrichs, Melina Helen. 2022. The acoustics of number: Duration differences in singular-plural syncretism. Sprachwissenschaft 47(1). 77-102.
[6] Wegner, Dennis, Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2022. Optionality and the recovery of temporal information in German verb clusters. Linguistische Berichte 270. 113-170.
[5] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Corbett, Greville G. 2021. The duration of word-final s in English: A comparison of regular-plural and pluralia-tantum nouns. Morphology 31(4). 383-407.
[4] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2020. Do we pronounce quotation? An analysis of name-informing and non-name-informing contexts. Language and Speech 63(4). 769-798.
[3] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2019. The compound-phrase divide and the lexicon: Insights from non-lexicalized adjective-noun combinations in German. Lingua 227. 1-24.
[2] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2018. The naming potential of compounds and phrases: An empirical study on German adjective-noun constructions. Word Structure 11(3). 359-384.
[1] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2016. Memorization and the morphology-syntax divide: A cross-linguistic investigation. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 13(2). 46-68.
Book chapters
[8] Schlechtweg, Marcel, De Brabanter, Philippe & Härtl, Holden. 2024. The acoustic profile of English metalinguistic quotation. Schlechtweg, Marcel (ed.), Interfaces of Phonetics (Phonology and Phonetics 38), 249-280. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
[7] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2024. Phonetic detail in interaction with phonology, morphology, and semantics/pragmatics. Schlechtweg, Marcel (ed.), Interfaces of Phonetics (Phonology and Phonetics 38), 1-20. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
[6] Härtl, Holden & Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2023. Phrases inside words. In Peter Ackema, Sabrina Bendjaballah, Eulalia Bonet & Antonio Fabregas (eds.), The Wiley Blackwell companion to morphology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.
[5] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2023. Optimizing English pronunciation of German students online and with Praat. In Maria-del-Mar Súarez & Walaa M. El-Henawy (eds.), Optimizing online English language learning and teaching (English Language Education 31), 273-296. Cham: Springer.
[4] Schlechtweg, Marcel, Heinrichs, Melina & Linnenkohl, Marcel. 2020. Differences in acoustic detail: The realization of syncretic nouns in German. In Marcel Schlechtweg (ed.), The learnability of complex constructions: A cross-linguistic perspective (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 345), 39-62 Berlin: De Gruyter.
[3] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2020. Introduction. In Marcel Schlechtweg (ed.), The learnability of complex constructions: A cross-linguistic perspective (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 345), 1-6 Berlin: De Gruyter.
[2] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2019. Prosodic prominence variation in English adjective-noun constructions: An overview of relevant factors. In Jolanta Szpyra-Kozlowska and Marek Radomski (eds.), Phonetics and phonology in action (Sounds, Meaning, Communication 10), 265-281. Bern: Peter Lang.
[1] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2018. How stress reflects meaning: The interplay of prosodic prominence and semantic (non-)compositionality in non-lexicalized English adjective-noun combinations. In Sabine Arndt-Lappe, Angelika Braun, Claudine Moulin, and Esme Winter-Froemel (eds.), Expanding the lexicon: Linguistic innovation, morphological productivity, and ludicity (The Dynamics of Wordplay 5), 117-139. Berlin: De Gruyter.
[6] Schlechtweg, Marcel, Klußmann, Leah & Kaucke, Stephanie. 2024. The recognition of English stress in background babble noise. Proceedings of the P&P conference (Phonetics and Phonology in the German-Speaking World) (Halle, Germany). To appear.
[5] Gibson, Mark, González Machorro, Mónica & Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2023. A machine learning model to assess the integration of visual and auditory cues during speech perception in noise. Proceedings of 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association Forum Acusticum 2023 (Torino, Italy). 3401-3408.
[4] Gibson, Mark, Schlechtweg, Marcel, Ayala, Judit, DiCiaccio, Andrea, Wang, Xianhui & Xu, Li. 2023. Energetic and informational masking effects on Spanish vowel discrimination. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS, Prague, Czech Republic). 471-475.
[3] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2023. The acquisition of the German schwa in children with cochlear implants. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki, Greece). 365-373.
[2] Gibson, Mark, Schlechtweg, Marcel, Blecua Falgueras, Beatriz & Alcalde, Judit Ayala. 2022. Language-specific interactions of vowel discrimination in noise. Proceedings of Interspeech 2022 (Incheon, South Korea). 3118-3122.
[1] Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2016. The lexicalization of complex constructions: An analysis of adjective-noun combinations. In Audring, Jenny, Masini, Francesca, and Sandler, Wendy (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM10, Haifa, Israel). 159-168. Universities of Leiden, Bologna, and Haifa.
Doctoral dissertation
[1] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2016. Memorization and the compound-phrase distinction: An investigation of complex constructions in German, French and English. Kassel: University of Kassel.
Final thesis
[1] Schlechtweg, Marcel. 2013. Morphologische Ansätze zum mentalen Lexikon und ihre Implikationen für den Zweitsprachenerwerb. Kassel: University of Kassel.